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Sponsor BOEA - Walkfront African Network Entertainment Agency
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Sponsor BOEA 2021

The Best of Edo Awards is an annual accolade presented by Walkfront African Network recognizing outstanding achievements in Leadership, Business, Entertainment, Legal, Entrepreneurship, Transport, Sport, Hospitality, Arts and culture, Media, Academia, Health others. It is a recognition and celebration of all the best in the Edo – its People, Art and Culture, Corporations/Institutions and even its history and geography.

We are open to Sponsorship and partnership from reputable brands, organizations and well meaning edolite in any way possible to encourage the continuous planning of this wonderful epic annual event that brings every Edo sons and daughters together annually.

Kindly fill the Sponsorship/Partnership details below

Name of Brand/Company/Individual *
Sponsorship Categories *
Quantity *
If you selected Cash above, write the Amount you want to sponsor with. If you selected Products or Services, write the Quantity
Mode of Transmitting Sponsorship *
Date of Transmitting Sponsorship *
Name of Department/Individual Handling Sponsorship *
Phone Number *
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